Monday, 9 June 2014

Time Flies.

This week really enforced just how much Annie is growing up. We attended an "Open Day" at  the Nursery School Annie will be starting in September! She was filled with excitement as we walked through the doors. Straight away, she noticed a sticker on the table with her name on it and stuck it on herself, the teachers were very impressed that she knows how to read her name.

Annie jumped right in, she made friends with other children, played with the teachers and squealed with excitement as soon as she saw the paints and easel all set up! She ran right over, helped herself to an apron and asked for some paper. She painted slugs, apparently. She's a truly charming child.

Annie's next port of call was the play corner with all the animals. She sat down nicely with one of the teachers and together they set all the animals out and played farms!

Then we went over into the "house." There's a little kitchen, washing machine, tea party set and dressing up box, Annie was in her element. Her and another little girl made cups of tea for us and we drank up, obediently, and just watched them playing together. Annie also made me some toast, she's a thoughtful soul.

Shortly before it was time to leave, Annie played with the water table, she was quite content just stood there, splashing and pouring the water all alone. She found some nets too and played "fishing!" 

She was very upset when it was time to leave, she actually cried. One of the teachers helped to calm her down and explained to her that she could come back again soon and finally she calmed down and agreed to leave.

It's such a bittersweet milestone. I'm so excited for her to be in school, playing with other children and learning new things but at the same time I just can't believe she's actually old enough to go to school! She was only born 5 minutes ago, right?!

We've got a Home Visit at the end of this month and a few play sessions in the nursery in July. Then before we know it, we'll be getting her dressed in her school uniform and sending her off for her first day at school! 

Time really does fly when you're having fun.

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