
This is us ♥

I'm Alesia, 24 year old mother, girlfriend and avid daydreamer. I'm an on-again-off-again Slimming Worlder, trapped in a constant battle between chronic pain and fatigue and the motivation to lose weight. I've recently been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and I'm taking it one day at a time, trying to make life changes that are going to help heal my mind, body and soul.

Ian is my boyfriend, he's almost 30 and we've been together for over four years now.  He's Welsh, he's a workaholic and I love him.

Annie is our daughter. She was born on the seventh of August 2011 at 5.30am. She's wild, like a hurricane. She loves dinosaurs, dressing up, Disney Princesses, painting and just generally making a mess. She's wonderful and I still can't quite believe that we made her.

We've also got a bunny. He's my second baby. His name is Arthur, he's completely free range and he sleeps on the settee. He loves parsley, carrots and digging under the trampoline in the garden.

That's us, just a normal British family of three, making our way through life and doing the best we can.

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